The cripps in Hong Kong Hong Kong, Repulse Bay, Cripps, Crippo, Mark Cripps, Joss Cripps

Zai Jian 再見 (Hope to see you again soon)

A diary about our expedition to Hong Kong


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

hmmm no wonder they're selling the tickets off cheaply!

My sister just forwarded me this article re: Oasis Airlines

"The airline's first flight, flight O8 700, took off from Hong Kong International Airport on October 26th, 2006, after a one-day delay. The airline had been scheduled to begin operations on October 25th, but Russia revoked the London-bound flight's fly-over rights an hour before the flight's scheduled departure.

These were reinstated the next day temporarily, allowing the maiden flight to proceed. The return flight too was not without trouble.

Departing over 2 hours late and minus 20 passengers who were removed for safety reasons due to two emergency exit doors not working. Flight O8 707 completed the first direct link between London Gatwick Airport and Hong Kong International
Airport, via airspaces over Turkey, Middle East and India. This route will be used by Oasis until they are given permanent access to the Russian airspace, this will extend the flight time by 1 hours to 2 hours and 10 minutes between Hong Kong and Gatwick."

And someone else told me of a recent 17 hour delay.

Pay the extra and fly BA/Virgin/Cathay!



At 9:43 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


It just goes to show that you shouldn't cut corners when it comes to flying.

Don't forget those Japanese prayer beads I sent you. They may be handy for the journey back!



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