The cripps in Hong Kong Hong Kong, Repulse Bay, Cripps, Crippo, Mark Cripps, Joss Cripps

Zai Jian 再見 (Hope to see you again soon)

A diary about our expedition to Hong Kong


Sunday, May 20, 2007

My poor Lotus

Talking to people about the new car has kicked up the fact that we sadly had to leave the Lotus back in the UK. Couple that with the fact a new Lotus dealership has just opened in HK and I'm feeling really sad about it.

It'd cost something like £3000-£4000 to export/import it to HK.

Hope the car's OK. Won't be of course. Just could not bring myself to selling it before we left the UK. So much a part of me. Really stupid to get like that about a car - especially one as temperamental as a Lots Of Trouble Usually Serious!

So about this time last year, we were looking for a home for the car. It transpired an elderly lady near where Mum & Dad live had an empty garage and, for the price of a bottle of sherry every three months or so, was prepared to give it a home.

On the day we left UK, my Bro-in-Law drove the car down to Hampshire and parked it up all snug and secure in the garage - there to live for 2 years + .... or so we thought.

Fast forward a few months and the 90 year old lady announces she's doing a loft conversion and needs the garage to decant everything in her loft!

So we need to find a home for the Elise and fast. Manic phonecalls everywhere (thanks Vicky!) and Spencer thankfully tells me he'll give the car a home and, what's more, he's got one of these special environmentally-controlled tents for cars such as this.


So Vicky & Kevin take time out during their house move to hire a trailer and travel cross-country to dump the car with Spencer et. al.

A belated thanks guys!

And I love the headline of the email from Spencer that came with the photo of the car in the tent. "Packet of crisps with free Elise inside".




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