The cripps in Hong Kong Hong Kong, Repulse Bay, Cripps, Crippo, Mark Cripps, Joss Cripps

Zai Jian 再見 (Hope to see you again soon)

A diary about our expedition to Hong Kong


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Portsmouth Dockyard: Victory; Mary Rose; Warrior

As a child, every couple of terms or so, we were dragged kicking a screaming to yet another tour on the HMS Victory. Hated it.

These days, however, I can't get enough of the place/the ship. Hope the kids don't get bored with it. Archie lost interest within minutes. We found him up the rigging; sleeping in Nelson's crib; walking on tarpaulin ceilings with 30ft drops below him etc etc. Face like an Angel, but trouble he is.

HMS Victory is truly outstanding. The smells; sights; atmosphere make it a must-visit.

I once took some Australian friends to see it & The Mary Rose -- they were not impressed! "It's just old wood!". Philistines.

Must admit, it's not a cheap day ... a family ticket to the whole of the Dockyard including Warrior; Victory; Mary Rose; a harbour tour and access to all of the museums set us back nearly £50 (excluding lunches and ice creams etc). But I think it's worth it. Hope it all never suffers the fiery fate of the Cutty Sark - was disappointed to see a distinct lack of fire protection (no more than a couple of extinguishers).

This was my first time on The Warrior -- have watched it over nearly 20 years turn from a rusty hulk to an exceptionally impressive ship. It's HUGE.

I think the whole experience could do with an Aircraft carrier in the list of exhibits ... something like the Ark Royal should be on show there (like the Intrepid in New York).

Portsmouth's making an effort for sure "Britain's favourite seaside destination"! - it's cleaned its act up in an attempt to get more tourist flocking in and some of the buildings are impressive - not sure I agree with this comment from the Spinnaker's official site! A national icon? Are you sure?

Not since the Eiffel Tower, the Sydney Opera House or the London Eye has a new tall structure attracted such attention. Elegant, sculptural and awe-inspiring, the Spinnaker Tower is a new national icon.



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