The cripps in Hong Kong Hong Kong, Repulse Bay, Cripps, Crippo, Mark Cripps, Joss Cripps

Zai Jian 再見 (Hope to see you again soon)

A diary about our expedition to Hong Kong


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Good to be back in Beijing

After a period of nine months away, I find myself back in Beijing. It's nice to be back actually. This time last year, I was in Beijing weekly - got to be a bit of a grind. And I found the whole experience interesting but depressing at the same time - I thought the city was soulless; extremely industrial and unwelcoming.

This time round, it feels more human somehow. I think that's because a lot of the construction I saw last year is near-to-completion (at least the external faces of the buildings are close to being finished) - there's the Olympic deadline pushing this of course. Also, the weather here is quite perfect at the moment - warm (22-24); blue unpolluted (for Beijing) skies and crisp cold (9 degrees) nights. Quite a contrast to HK.

"The construction's nearly completed" is not quite true -- the skeletons of a few skyscrapers and 'statement buildings' are still contrasting against the skyline. The most interesting of which is the building which will be the HQ of China TV (CCTV). I've written about it here before -- it looks like a kind of twisted N shape. In the pictures, it defies gravity - now you can see it 2/3 built, it is quite awesome. I was remarking to someone that there's no way it's going to be completed by the time the Olympics kicks off next August - but they said CCTV would ship 100's of extra builders in to ensure it happens. Sure enough, I was looking at the structure in the middle of the night and it was ablaze all over with arc welding lights --- waterfalls of bright orange molten steel sparks cascading down 40-50 stories. Reminded me of a meteor shower. Night shots are of my hotel and the surrounding streets. Check out the pavement & bike - quite typical!

First night here, I returned to my favourite peking duck restaurant (roasted over fruit wood)- it's a tourist favourite, but the food's great and there's a healthy contingent of locals eating there too. Don't you love the menu? Any one for pig lung?



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