The cripps in Hong Kong Hong Kong, Repulse Bay, Cripps, Crippo, Mark Cripps, Joss Cripps

Zai Jian 再見 (Hope to see you again soon)

A diary about our expedition to Hong Kong


Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Thank you Mary Norton, now I feel really old - cheers

I'm feeling distinctly middle aged at the moment. Not helped by the kids to be frank. I've had enough of:

"Dad, what's a typewriter?"
"Dad, what's a record player?"
"Dad, what's a video player?"
"Dad, what's an 'ice cap'?" (I made that last one up - but their Grandchildren will be asking the same you bet)

Came to a head tonight, thanks to bloody Mary Norton.

You know when you read something of-period in the original English ... like Pepys ... like Robinson Crusoe ... and there are continual footnotes describing ye olde stuff?

Well, tonight I was reading Mary Norton's 'The Borrowers' with Billy, and found myself having to explain and describe nearly every artefact mentioned.

"Dad, what's a ...

" pin?"
"....Crochet needle?"
(OK, I'll give him that one but ....)
"....Postage stamp?"
"....Cotton reel?"
"....Shoe button?"
"....Gas lights?"
"....North West Frontier?"

And this book was written in the Fifties! I consider it to be a contemporary, even a modern book. Soon it will have to be published with explanatory footnotes (if Kids bother to read @ all that is). Wonder if people in the Fifties thought the same of books published in Victorian times? Doubt it somehow. Sigh ... the pace of change (now I know I AM middle aged).



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