The cripps in Hong Kong Hong Kong, Repulse Bay, Cripps, Crippo, Mark Cripps, Joss Cripps

Zai Jian 再見 (Hope to see you again soon)

A diary about our expedition to Hong Kong


Monday, June 23, 2008

Napa, California: A tale of Sun Dogs; Hummingbirds and Exotic Intestinal Parasites!

Have been concocting that headline for a couple of days now. Sounds like a great book title.

I recently went to Northern California on an extended (nearly two weeks) business trip - must say, I loved the place.

I especially love Napa valley where I spent most of last week.

I stayed in the middle of the vineyards -- at The Carneros Inn. Wonderfully relaxed place -- small cabins fabulously furnished (log fires; Eames chairs etc). Tiny red-breasted Disneyesque hummingbirds everywhere - not seen them in California before. All very chilled.

Stunning views across the Napa countryside - and we were even treated to some 'Sun Dogs' on one of the days (ice crystals high in the atmosphere cause the sun's light to refract - causing it to have a halo).

All of this was ruined by the fact I came down with a tummy lurgy on the (13 hour!) flight over. I thought it was a one-day thing. And maybe caused by my recent move over to vegetarianism. But oh no. Not me.

A quick trip to the emergency Napa Valley quack revealed I'd caught an 'exotic intestinal parasite'. Doc asked me if I'd been anywhere foreign of late ... after I'd reeled off a dozen or so Asian countries/cities, he sat back dumbstruck. "Yes, that's probably it then". (His next patient was a victim of a black widow spider bite -- she would not stop talking about it in the waiting room -- that and her many prison sentences). Hope his reaction was more solid with her.

I was eventually diagnosed with cyclosporiasis ... from the cyclospora parasite. It lives in contaminated water often found on salads and raspberries (in particular). (I do remember eating ---STUPIDLY!--- a load of raspberries in Mumbai ... I'm usually sooooooo careful about what I eat in India).

Appetite was described as 'anorexic' -- I lost just over 18lbs in 3-4 weeks. A great way to diet (well, an unpleasant way to diet actually) - someone suggested I bottle my parasite (he also suggested I give it a name) and sell it as a fancy new diet. A hefty double dose of industrial strength antibiotics later (cyclosporiasis often relapses) and I was clear of my parasite (and my athletes foot which has been lingering for months - as it does with a lot of folks in HK). Enough with the detail already.

I'm still just over a stone lighter than I was @ the beginning of all this -- but even @ 18lbs lighter, I was still 5 or 6 lbs 'overweight' according to the Body Mass Index.

Anyhooo ... much better now, thanks for asking!



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