The cripps in Hong Kong Hong Kong, Repulse Bay, Cripps, Crippo, Mark Cripps, Joss Cripps

Zai Jian 再見 (Hope to see you again soon)

A diary about our expedition to Hong Kong


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Nov/Dec/Jan Stunning weather in Hong Kong

If you're thinking of coming to see us (and it appears quite a few of our friends are investigating it this year), then I recommend you try to see us in Oct-Dec. The weather here during Autumn, for the past years since we've lived in here anyway, has been quite quite perfectly stunning.

Blue skies. Mid 20 degrees celcius. No humidity. Warm seas. Refreshing light winds. Writing this in late January 09 ... I honestly can not remember the last time it rained in Hong Kong. I think it must be something like October last year. Of course the tropical stormy weather we get in June-Sept almost certainly gives us some of the water we need (there are many reservoirs here). The beaches during this time are near-to empty (crazy given the air/sea temperatures are perfectly matched at about 26 degrees) - they're empty because (by and large) the local guys don't spend time on the beach after the October Moon celebrations (3rd week in October) as this designates the official start of Winter.

I pulled open the bedroom blinds one morning in our new apartment to be confronted with a blast of colour. I swear this massive and rambling bourgainvillia (directly below our bedroom window) was a drab brown only the night before. It has continued to bloom non-stop for the past 3 months -- making my green fingers itch. The seasons/climate are obviously not the same as the UK, but sometime this weekend, I'm planning to plant some veggie seeds -- tomatoes and lettuce at first.

The Hong Kong Cricket Club take advantage of the great weather to hold a garden fete (in mid November) every year. For about £15 the fete lasts from 11:00-17:00, you get as much drink *hic* and (excellent) food as you can consume + loads of activities for the kids (and adults) to do. I lost count of the number of oysters that slipped down my neck. The best thing about the fete? Being able to luxuriate bare-footed on fresh grass (which is one of the things we all miss about the UK).

So, with 3-4 months perfect weather, it's a bit of a shock this weekend to be suddenly faced with a 'cold weather advisory' - the temp dipped to 12 degrees last night!



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