The cripps in Hong Kong Hong Kong, Repulse Bay, Cripps, Crippo, Mark Cripps, Joss Cripps

Zai Jian 再見 (Hope to see you again soon)

A diary about our expedition to Hong Kong


Thursday, April 02, 2009

Tired, emotional and want to be in my own bed!

It's been a long month - hence lack of blog entries.

I've been travelling non-stop for weeks and I'm exhausted. In fact I'm writing this in the back of a taxi en route from the airport back to home in HK.

The last five weeks have been 4 days in each of Tokyo; Singapore and Beijing twice. Next week is Sydney and Perth (holiday thank goodness). The following week it's Singapore and then New York. Then the following week in Beijing and Shanghai.

Good for the airmiles. Bad for the nerves and for family life. I'm rapidly losing my hair - not to mention other things.

Why emotional? I landed 90 minutes ago. No sign of my baggage. No one around to tell us what's what. So I blew my stack @ one of the officials I happened to stumble across - he muttered stuff in Cantonese to a colleague which really sent me over the edge.

And, of course, this is the one time I leave my baggage claim receipt in the seat pocket of the plane. And follows loss of my Hong Kong ID card (major hassle getting a replacement - hope it turns up!)

Anyway - the plane was delayed in Beijing because the automated baggage system had broken. All baggage had to be hand loaded. This caused suspicion with Hong Kong customs and so certain bags were held back at random for closer inspection. Including mine. But no one thought to tell me - instead left me dangling for 45 mins.

Don't need this after a long month.

It's late and I need a drink and I need a holiday.



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