The cripps in Hong Kong Hong Kong, Repulse Bay, Cripps, Crippo, Mark Cripps, Joss Cripps

Zai Jian 再見 (Hope to see you again soon)

A diary about our expedition to Hong Kong


Saturday, March 08, 2008

Bryant Park, NYC, in the snow!

The agency team went out for supper on the Thursday night. People were asking when I was flying back to HK - I said "tomorrow". Lots of weird looks: "are you sure, the weather's about to break". That night, there was no sign of what was to come ... but 05:00 next morning, the snow started to fall. Next to no time, we had 8" on the ground. Now if this was London, the City would be at a standstill. But NYC is geared up for it and the City was mving by the time I got out of bed. 2000+ snowploughs/gritters on the New Jersey Turnpike for example.

I've been to New York many many times before - (including several times in the Winter) - but I'd not been there when it was actually snowing. I had a couple of hours to burn before I had to leave Manhattan for the airport (and was being warned of 5+ hour delays) .. so I headed off nowhere in particular. I ended up in a magical snow-covered Bryant Park - a place, by coincidence which a colleague had told me the night before was her favourite place in the City. Was kinda cool.

I enjoyed walking round for a while. Until, that is, my "Toys R Expensive" bag full of Power Rangers and Star Wars paraphenalia (for the boys natch), burst open mid road crossing (falling in the slush). The shop idiots had given me a paper bag which turned into mache within 3 blocks of leaving the store. grrr.



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