The cripps in Hong Kong Hong Kong, Repulse Bay, Cripps, Crippo, Mark Cripps, Joss Cripps

Zai Jian 再見 (Hope to see you again soon)

A diary about our expedition to Hong Kong


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Cooler weather and gnat bites and e-Type driving Father Christmas

Weather's definitely getting cooler here.

After a week in India (36+ degrees), it's felt slightly chilly here the past few days .... although it's still in the Mid-20s and I managed to get sunburnt on Saturday -- the first time since I've been out here!

I blame Father Xmas.

He arrived by helicopter (naturally) - landed in a Stanley playing field and (equally naturally) drove off in smart e-Type (only in HK!). Kind of local-church summer fate thing going on ... actually very pleasant (beer @ £1.40 per pint). Boy does a helicopter ever fly up some dried grass/dirt if it's not rained for a while. Of course we forgot all that and I was still picking hay from my hair 6 hours later.

The sunburn came from two things:

1. Me looking up to the sky for santa's chopper every 2 mins (on the insistence of the children)
2. Billy insisting we stay in the mid-day sun to watch the HK police force bag pipe band -- he's betraying his 12.5% sweaty blood in that regard!

So cooler. Not had the air conditioning on for a few days. All-apartment memo from the management company went round today suggesting we limit one electric radiator to a socket. It's actually quite warm still which is weird given it's early Dec and the (GLORIOUS) decorations are up all round town.

Last night I slept with the windows open and got eaten alive by mozzies (not normally troubled by them) -- had a bite on my eyelid which caused it to swell up quite badly *sniff*.

Joss is in (cold) Tokyo on business @ the mo so missed my near-death mozzie experience.


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