The cripps in Hong Kong Hong Kong, Repulse Bay, Cripps, Crippo, Mark Cripps, Joss Cripps

Zai Jian 再見 (Hope to see you again soon)

A diary about our expedition to Hong Kong


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

News from Tibet? What's happening there then?

I'm currently in Beijing.

Joss and I are/were thinking about having a vacation in Lhasa in October this year, so I've been asking my Chinese, educated, worldly-wise, English speaking colleagues what they think about the current situation in Tibet.

Not one of them knows what's going on out there. Yes, they're aware of some degree of 'unrest', but they know no details.

I'm surprised and I'm not. Surprised because they can access English-speaking media websites from China, (well at least the website home pages -- the Govt stops you looking beyond the home page of major sites such as and The Times) -- and these folks are normally up to speed on this kind of thing.

Not surprised because of the above ltd access, and also because the news reports I've seen on CNN and BBC World here get censored (black screen) each time Tibet is mentioned in the news bulletins.

The Govt has the rights to limit info I guess to its populace, but I would not like to live in this regime permanently.



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